Thursday 13 June 2013

The strike

For the last weeks our faculty is on strike, like other many faculties of our university, and other universities and institutes of education in the country.
It’s hard try to define a cause of this strike, it’s an important number of national and local request. I think that it’s very curious that this year at least in this faculty, the mobilization have a character principally local (this is strange watching the rest of universities…).
When we talk about the “Problems of Chilean education” we would speak for ever, because is a system based on unfairness and deepens the inequalities in the country.
 The Chilean students are organized years ago to fight for transform the educational system, turn around the actual system for fairest one, under the consign “The education is not for sale” that refers to the traditional point of view of the political class and economics power group about the education like a commodity.  The students and their families have to debt for many years for pay their careers and the government only offer credits and studentship instead of make a universal system of admission for the superior education.
But this isn’t a problem only of funding, the orientation of the educational system is unfocused, is for this that I think that mobilization is necessary,  because we really need a deep transformation  in the entire society  and that start from us.


  1. I’m disagree when you say we are on strike for local request like a point of difference with another universities. I think there are more educational establishments on strike by local than national problems. In addition, I think there is not a problem meanwhile we understand all of them are the repercussion of the "neoliberal" logical.

  2. Today I think sometimes some problems must be solved in the day to day.
