Sunday 23 June 2013

Los de siempre ...

In general my holidays don’t includes many trips, because my family never had enough money or time to travel, besides my relatives are from Santiago, so we don’t have family to visit in others cities. My “big trips” in the last years has been for the university, when in 2009 I traveled to Buenos Aires for the Latin-American congress of sociology’s student (ALAS) and 2011 to Uruguay for Latin-American congress of students (CLAE), and this last time also passed the Argentinian city Mendoza.
Althought I haven't traveled farther distance on holidays, I definitely was enjoy travels nearest and simples.
About two years ago, me and all my friends from high school went to summer vacations together. 

Was one of the best trips ever! For few weeks we sold stuff on internet, sold food and many things here in Santiago to collect money for vacations, and finally in February we went to Valparaiso but only eight of our group could go. When we arrive to Valparaiso we went to rest to beach and later have a big lunch of seafood in the market of the city. We went to Recreo hill  to stayed in the floor of my friend’s sister. We were so lazy that we got up about noon every day, played videogames, but were go to the fishing cove to bought seafood almost every day, we all lunched together and were to touring around. 
We met most of the Valpo and Viña del Mar. For the nights we were to dance and hang out to a club of my ex-boyfriend's classmate so we don’t pay for anything (was great). We stayed in Recreo almost two weeks and later we travelled to my grandma’s place in El Tabo. My grandma and grandpa have a piece of land in the hills of the this town and we stayed in a little cottage in there. The peaceful of the place and stay all together in the forest was beautiful, and we went to beach or  Isla Negra almost every day. Was a beatifull holiday with the most important people in my life, my “other family”… we are friends about fifteen year now, and I suspect that we have many trips ahead

Los de siempre <3


  1. Hi:
    apparently the ALAS in Buenos Aires, was very good, because all the generation that went. speak about that.


  2. lovely travel with your friends!

  3. jum! You owe me a holidays!
