Sunday 23 June 2013

Los de siempre ...

In general my holidays don’t includes many trips, because my family never had enough money or time to travel, besides my relatives are from Santiago, so we don’t have family to visit in others cities. My “big trips” in the last years has been for the university, when in 2009 I traveled to Buenos Aires for the Latin-American congress of sociology’s student (ALAS) and 2011 to Uruguay for Latin-American congress of students (CLAE), and this last time also passed the Argentinian city Mendoza.
Althought I haven't traveled farther distance on holidays, I definitely was enjoy travels nearest and simples.
About two years ago, me and all my friends from high school went to summer vacations together. 

Was one of the best trips ever! For few weeks we sold stuff on internet, sold food and many things here in Santiago to collect money for vacations, and finally in February we went to Valparaiso but only eight of our group could go. When we arrive to Valparaiso we went to rest to beach and later have a big lunch of seafood in the market of the city. We went to Recreo hill  to stayed in the floor of my friend’s sister. We were so lazy that we got up about noon every day, played videogames, but were go to the fishing cove to bought seafood almost every day, we all lunched together and were to touring around. 
We met most of the Valpo and Viña del Mar. For the nights we were to dance and hang out to a club of my ex-boyfriend's classmate so we don’t pay for anything (was great). We stayed in Recreo almost two weeks and later we travelled to my grandma’s place in El Tabo. My grandma and grandpa have a piece of land in the hills of the this town and we stayed in a little cottage in there. The peaceful of the place and stay all together in the forest was beautiful, and we went to beach or  Isla Negra almost every day. Was a beatifull holiday with the most important people in my life, my “other family”… we are friends about fifteen year now, and I suspect that we have many trips ahead

Los de siempre <3

Friday 14 June 2013


A long time ago I  wrote about my favourite music and today I going to write about my favourite singer in the whole world: Gustavo Cerati <3.
Gustavo Cerati begun to play guitar very young and after to plays in a few bands, he join to Zeta Bosio y Charly Alberti to integrate Soda Stereo in 1983.
Soda Stereo is one of the most famous Latin-American band, their music and style are incomparable, but althought Soda Stereo dissolves in 1997, Gustavo begun to experiment soloist proyect in 1993 with his record “Amor Amarillo”.  This is the first record of the long  list of success of Gustavo without Soda Stereo.
One of my favourite things about Gustavo is his huge talent for write, his lyrics are very deep and poetics, and his talent for play the guitar is recognizing for many artist around the world.
The versatility of Gustavo is huge and we can see it in his different records, for example “Amor Amarillo” And “Bocanada”(Recorded on 1999) have a very soft sound and lyrics with deep contents focused in the tangential moment on Gustavo’s family. In his musical career he experiment a lot with electronic music, begun with his wife Cecilia Amenabar, that is a great DJ, and continued incorporated in his recordings before their breakup on 2002. This electronic sound is clear in many songs but definitely my favourite is the rocker facet, he’s a total Rock Star, and we can see this principally in the disc "Siempre es hoy" and “Ahí Vamos”. When he released this record I been pass for very complex and sad period of my life, for this it’s very important to me.
He’s a poet, smart and deep, a great compositor and guitar player and also a gorgeous man, for all these reason he always be my favourite musician in the world.

The next song isn’t one of my favourites but have one phrase that I used like a motto for life:
"Flow without an end to flow more…

Thursday 13 June 2013


Today I felt very ill and stayed in home and althought I don’t watch Anime often, I decide watch a movie of wich a friend spoken to me: “ The Mononoke Princess” .
This movie start when a little village is attacked for a demon that use to be a giant wild board,  wounding and curse to village’s prince. The prince Ashitaka had to start a long trip to achieve stop the curse and affront his imminent death.
In his trip, Ashitaka arrived to “The iron city” that is in fierce war with the Forest and the gods that live in there. It's here where he met  San, the Mononoke Princess (the princess of the revenge's spirits) raised by wolves and untired warrior for expulse the human of the forest.  In the depth of the woods lives the Shishigami o the great Spirit of the forest that can give o take the life.

This movie shows the confrontation between the human ambition and the real spirit of the nature, the harmony that maintains the world in equilibrium, and how the hate can destroy our self and all around us.

It's a wonderful movie, that regrettably show the worst of the human side, the unconscious depredation of the environment, the destruction of the nature, the cruelty and evilness that we can have only for money or power, but also show the real power of nature and the goodness and passion for saving it, how we can catch up the knowledge when we achieve “see with clarity,without hate in the heart”. <3

The strike

For the last weeks our faculty is on strike, like other many faculties of our university, and other universities and institutes of education in the country.
It’s hard try to define a cause of this strike, it’s an important number of national and local request. I think that it’s very curious that this year at least in this faculty, the mobilization have a character principally local (this is strange watching the rest of universities…).
When we talk about the “Problems of Chilean education” we would speak for ever, because is a system based on unfairness and deepens the inequalities in the country.
 The Chilean students are organized years ago to fight for transform the educational system, turn around the actual system for fairest one, under the consign “The education is not for sale” that refers to the traditional point of view of the political class and economics power group about the education like a commodity.  The students and their families have to debt for many years for pay their careers and the government only offer credits and studentship instead of make a universal system of admission for the superior education.
But this isn’t a problem only of funding, the orientation of the educational system is unfocused, is for this that I think that mobilization is necessary,  because we really need a deep transformation  in the entire society  and that start from us.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

The educational problem

I think that was a wonderful exposition of ideas.  I always  thought  that the education system is unfocused, and day after day more people believe that, and more studies confirm them. 
 I’m totally agree with Sir Ken Robinson, it’s a fact  that regular education  is killing many of our abilities and also our sensitivity. We are living in a world  who don’t need more engineers or academics but is absolutely necessary cultivate our conscience and  social abilities.
This speech is very similar to the ideas exposed in documentary “La Educación Prohibida”, this movie show how the education system is 200 years and even today have several fail. In this documentary  many teachers and student spoke, and we can see other methods of education, considerate “experimental” and how this methods have success and the children achieve self-confidence, and more development of their social abilities, concern for the environment, sensitivity and artistic qualities.
I think that one of the most important point of the Robinson’s exposition for our dicipline is something that a few people call “el fenómeno de credencialización” that points to a modern necessity of obtain a credential or certification for any activities, while a few decades ago this was necessary for evaluate to people that apply for a job or scholarship for example, today we have thousands of people with credential unemployed, people over-qualified for some jobs, and a serious deficit in technical career