Thursday 24 October 2013


When I was a little girl I had three cats. They were a beautiful black twins and theirs name were: “Entra”, “Sale” y “Come”. They were very smart and also mischievous so my grandma don’t really like them. In my family we already had a dog, his name was “Cachilupi”, he had a wedding gift to my parents and he deeply hated my cats. For a space problems we kept Cachilupi and give the twins to a neighbor. Until this day I never want to have another cat anymore. 

Nowadays, I’m a dog lover <3. My dog’s name is Rita, she is a beautiful mongrel. 

Th Rita’s history is very special. The August 15th of 2010, we went to stroll with my mom and my sister. We went to a metro station “Vicuña Mackenna” and in the streat was a group of people give in adoption different pets. I went to saw a beautiful dog (she looks like a Labrador) and between she was the ugliest dog I ever see. 

Here she already looks like a dog
The dog size was like my hand. She was undernourished and dehydrated. I asked what happen to her, and the people told my that she was the only girl in a litter of 15 dogs, so her brothers don’t let she be breastfed, and she almost died.  I carried she and saw that had ringworm under his eye and also had flea. So I beg to my mom and my sister for let me adopted she, and finally  the little E.T (she really was ugly) went home with us.

Rita is the craziest dog in the whole world. I think that she think is a human, jajaja because she love walk in two feet like us, and now she’s a preciousness
The sexiest dog in the world


  1. Her faces is like a "Rita"'s face. She's like a labrador and labradors are very crazy :) like you told us. Great!

  2. I missed its when I was in your house.
