Monday 21 October 2013


When was a Little child my grandma teach me that we didn’t waste anything.  We always take advantage of all our resources. We do not throw away food and we were doing compost  with the remains.  We also did “cocinas brujas”. These  was a box painted black with paper inside, we put a saucepan  with food  (beans mostly) in a sun place  and the heat  was cooked the  food.
This was my first approach to environmentally friendly practices, although we did this things because we were very poor, and need spend the less possible.
Nowadays I try to be responsible with my acts to do the less damage to the planet. This were more easy the last year because I lived in Ñuñoa and is easier recycling. Today  I being live in La Florida, and the municipality don’t have the recycling policy, like in Ñuñoa.
I make “ecoladrillos” to reduce garbage. I give it to my grandpa and him build many thing in her piece of land. I always put the oil in a bottle and I throw it to the garbage instead of pipe for don’t contaminate the water. I ride a bike for short trips. I hope to do longest trips in the future (I need training!)
I don’t  know to much about the carbon footprint and I have joined either to any enviromental organization.
I think that Santiago is not a friendly city in general, recycling isn't easy and ride a bike neither. We need a enviromental policy in the whole country, implement this ideas in the educational program for change the mentality of people and really enjoy  of our country.

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