Thursday 24 October 2013


When I was a little girl I had three cats. They were a beautiful black twins and theirs name were: “Entra”, “Sale” y “Come”. They were very smart and also mischievous so my grandma don’t really like them. In my family we already had a dog, his name was “Cachilupi”, he had a wedding gift to my parents and he deeply hated my cats. For a space problems we kept Cachilupi and give the twins to a neighbor. Until this day I never want to have another cat anymore. 

Nowadays, I’m a dog lover <3. My dog’s name is Rita, she is a beautiful mongrel. 

Th Rita’s history is very special. The August 15th of 2010, we went to stroll with my mom and my sister. We went to a metro station “Vicuña Mackenna” and in the streat was a group of people give in adoption different pets. I went to saw a beautiful dog (she looks like a Labrador) and between she was the ugliest dog I ever see. 

Here she already looks like a dog
The dog size was like my hand. She was undernourished and dehydrated. I asked what happen to her, and the people told my that she was the only girl in a litter of 15 dogs, so her brothers don’t let she be breastfed, and she almost died.  I carried she and saw that had ringworm under his eye and also had flea. So I beg to my mom and my sister for let me adopted she, and finally  the little E.T (she really was ugly) went home with us.

Rita is the craziest dog in the whole world. I think that she think is a human, jajaja because she love walk in two feet like us, and now she’s a preciousness
The sexiest dog in the world

Tuesday 22 October 2013


Hi every one, I'm supposed to talk about my best friend but I have 2 of them: Nicole y Natalia.
Nicole is my partner in all my adventures, we have many histories. We are together almost every day for the last 4 years, and without she my life would be boring and lonely.

But today I going to talk about Naty, because her birthday was the last week.
Our friendship started when we were very young, in the school.
When I went to a new school, I was very afraid because this school was huge and expensive ( I had a scholarship) and I thought  "I will never fit in here".   The first day I arrived to school  I was very confused because I didn’t knew anybody, but when I entered to classroom two girls came to me. They were very friendly and invited me to sit with they. On of this girls were Natalia.
We are the best friends until these days. We are friends for fourteen years now. 

Naty was very shy when we were child, but always was friendly because of that to everybody likes Natalia. She always painted beautiful pictures and nowadays she studies to being Art teacher.
But life isn’t fair with Naty, she had to pass through many painful stuff. Her father die when we were little girls and she and her mom and brother and sisters were always depressed because that.  Also a couple years ago she had a huge accident. With our other friends we work very hard to collect money for her surgery and she managed to recover.
Her life wasn’t easy but in all this harsh moments did strengthened  our friendship.  In a period she moved with me and my family and we were very happy.  She is like a sister to me, I loves her deeply and I can't imagine my life without she.

Monday 21 October 2013


When was a Little child my grandma teach me that we didn’t waste anything.  We always take advantage of all our resources. We do not throw away food and we were doing compost  with the remains.  We also did “cocinas brujas”. These  was a box painted black with paper inside, we put a saucepan  with food  (beans mostly) in a sun place  and the heat  was cooked the  food.
This was my first approach to environmentally friendly practices, although we did this things because we were very poor, and need spend the less possible.
Nowadays I try to be responsible with my acts to do the less damage to the planet. This were more easy the last year because I lived in Ñuñoa and is easier recycling. Today  I being live in La Florida, and the municipality don’t have the recycling policy, like in Ñuñoa.
I make “ecoladrillos” to reduce garbage. I give it to my grandpa and him build many thing in her piece of land. I always put the oil in a bottle and I throw it to the garbage instead of pipe for don’t contaminate the water. I ride a bike for short trips. I hope to do longest trips in the future (I need training!)
I don’t  know to much about the carbon footprint and I have joined either to any enviromental organization.
I think that Santiago is not a friendly city in general, recycling isn't easy and ride a bike neither. We need a enviromental policy in the whole country, implement this ideas in the educational program for change the mentality of people and really enjoy  of our country.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Fiestas Patrias

The last week we celebrated the “Fiestas Patrias” in Chile. I think that we are the only country that no celebrate its independence day,  because we commemorate the September 18th of 1810,    when was make First Committee Governing Body.

Although I love celebrate the “dieciocho” with my family and friends, this is a party full of contradictions that makes me question very aspect of our culture, and don’t afford me enjoy some elements of this party, my family call me “ the Grinch” of the 18th.

Something like this
The Chilean culture is a mixed of elements, of the local cultures and the Spanish conquistadors.  For this festivity, in all schools children wear customs  of the different native people like Mapuche or Rapanui, and  dances dance of  distinct areas of the country: north zone with "trote tarapaqueño", the center zone with “cueca” , the south with “vals chilote” and “sau sau” from Easter island.

If you takes this element and added one “empanada” (local food which are a sort of bread pastry) one glass with chicha (a fresh sweet wine) you have a typical Chilean picture. But in a country like exterminate the most of native people and even now discriminate against this decedents, this party’s custom represent the big Chilean hypocrisy.For all this, the best of the 18th is take advantage of holidays with family and friend, and (of course) enjoy the delicious food and drinks :)