Thursday 1 August 2013

The best

 don't know about who must to write, I admire many people, but no exactly “famous” people. I admire many Chileans, for example, some writer like María Luisa Bombal,  the story “El Árbol” it’s one of my favorite, Hernán Rivera Letelier with “Santa MAría de las flores negras” and finally  Nicanor Parra a total genius in all his work. Some musician changed my life, when I was little my mother raised me been listen Illapu, Inti Illimani  (and some no Chilean artist like Silvio Rodriguez and Sui Generis) she was saying  that “Mazapan” was for the “cuicos” (high class people) jajajja that always makes funny.  Now a days I still enjoy the Chilean music and my favorit artist is no well known but his talent is huge, Tata Barahona is a fantastic troubadour and the “Kuervos del Sur” (South’s crows) are one of the best fusion rock that I ever hear.
I really don’t must choose any of them, they was huge clearly, but the best chilean for me always  be my mom, she rocks.
My mother’s family was very poor, and they live in a very poor dweller. My family always worked doing mattress, mi grandma sewed them and my grandpa stuffed them. My mom fight for has a career and studied to be chemical technician. She  worked in “Universidad Católica de Chile” many years, but she was fired for his political work in the worker union. When she was fired she don’t stop to do stuff, but en 2004 cancer was diagnosed and she have to stopped to do anything. Was a very harsh and sad period of our life, but after surgery  and a very long medical treatment, she was fine and everybody in the family can get over it and go on. She never stopped since then, studied to be a paramedic and work in a psychiatric clinic, after she studied geriatrics and after then she studied business management and create a little business. She is really a great woman, the best Chilean to me.
es la más bonita...

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