Thursday 9 May 2013

Some posts ago, I told to you that I was a chemistry student. How I arrive to FACSO for study sociology is a long history.  

When I was in the secondary school I was the first of my class, but in the last year I was very hill and I never finished the school. I was very sad and angry so I want to do anything.

Someday I leaved to my place and my mother and sister told me that they both, apply for me to University of Chile in the Chemistry carrier, and I was accepted. My mother was so proud and happy that I couldn’t refuse to register in the university.

I studied chemistry for one year, and y met a lot of nice people and learned very interesting thinks, but I was deeply unhappy.  One day I get up early in the morning and quit university. When I firm the paper I was very nervous, but I leaved the place and the world change to me, I was automatically happy and proud of my decision.

I apply to many jobs, I worked some time like a babysitter, then as secretary and later in the Marriot Hotel.

On 2008 I register in “Preuniversitario Popular José Carrasco Tapia”, is a free school for prepare the admission test for university. I met a lot of people that show me the importance of take active part in the society; the adversity and sacrifice for achieve study a carrier.

I thought that sociology was help me to understand the society and I would help to make the world a better place.  I thought that many social problems exists because the people that does the different works do have any idea of social requirements.

My favorite subject of sociology was the gender studies, because I think they was visible a problem that people not easily recognize, like symbolic violence (read my other publications about it!).

  other day I told you more about that =)

Bye bye


  1. It's beautiful to know life has spaces for people has walking in other time. If I'm here by mistake I will take another way :)

  2. I think that if you study some career you really have to love it
