Wednesday 15 May 2013

Hi everyone,
In my presentation I going to speak about Feminism.
The Feminism is a wide concept that could be defines as collection of ideologies and also a political, social and economic movements.  The people ascribed to feminism, are called feminist and they find to achieve equal opportunities and rights for men and women.
Is very important clarified the differences between feminism and  “femalism” (hembrismo in Spanish) because feminism, says that women should be  equal to men in rights, and this is not effective because influence of the patriarchy. For other side femalism says that women are better than men.  The femalism is like machismo, and both affirm the supremacy of one sex above other.
 I’d like to divide my presentation into three main areas:
-Principal Ideas
Firstly I will talk about the historical antecedent of birth of feminism in 1837 and some milestones.
Secondly I will talk about some important ideas that conduce the actions of the movement,  and relevant concepts treated for feminist theory.
In the third area of the presentation I will talk about  the causes supported for the feminist movement, and the most important challenges that the feminism projected.
See you on Thursday!   


  1. The fight againts the patriachy is so difficult but necessary. Some day the humanity will be not machista and all us will be happy :)

  2. that is very interesting. I regret could not be in the presentation
