Wednesday 15 May 2013

Hi everyone,
In my presentation I going to speak about Feminism.
The Feminism is a wide concept that could be defines as collection of ideologies and also a political, social and economic movements.  The people ascribed to feminism, are called feminist and they find to achieve equal opportunities and rights for men and women.
Is very important clarified the differences between feminism and  “femalism” (hembrismo in Spanish) because feminism, says that women should be  equal to men in rights, and this is not effective because influence of the patriarchy. For other side femalism says that women are better than men.  The femalism is like machismo, and both affirm the supremacy of one sex above other.
 I’d like to divide my presentation into three main areas:
-Principal Ideas
Firstly I will talk about the historical antecedent of birth of feminism in 1837 and some milestones.
Secondly I will talk about some important ideas that conduce the actions of the movement,  and relevant concepts treated for feminist theory.
In the third area of the presentation I will talk about  the causes supported for the feminist movement, and the most important challenges that the feminism projected.
See you on Thursday!   

Thursday 9 May 2013

Some posts ago, I told to you that I was a chemistry student. How I arrive to FACSO for study sociology is a long history.  

When I was in the secondary school I was the first of my class, but in the last year I was very hill and I never finished the school. I was very sad and angry so I want to do anything.

Someday I leaved to my place and my mother and sister told me that they both, apply for me to University of Chile in the Chemistry carrier, and I was accepted. My mother was so proud and happy that I couldn’t refuse to register in the university.

I studied chemistry for one year, and y met a lot of nice people and learned very interesting thinks, but I was deeply unhappy.  One day I get up early in the morning and quit university. When I firm the paper I was very nervous, but I leaved the place and the world change to me, I was automatically happy and proud of my decision.

I apply to many jobs, I worked some time like a babysitter, then as secretary and later in the Marriot Hotel.

On 2008 I register in “Preuniversitario Popular José Carrasco Tapia”, is a free school for prepare the admission test for university. I met a lot of people that show me the importance of take active part in the society; the adversity and sacrifice for achieve study a carrier.

I thought that sociology was help me to understand the society and I would help to make the world a better place.  I thought that many social problems exists because the people that does the different works do have any idea of social requirements.

My favorite subject of sociology was the gender studies, because I think they was visible a problem that people not easily recognize, like symbolic violence (read my other publications about it!).

  other day I told you more about that =)

Bye bye

Friday 3 May 2013

Hello everyone!
I told you some time ago that I’m a feminist. For this reason some people don’t pay attention to my complaints about certain topics, sometimes they told me that I’m usually overreacting about certain issues. I think that many issues are already naturalizing by the world, and a big one is the violence against women and this really make me get up in arms. When we speak about “violence” automatically think in a punch o something physical and explicit, but also exist the “symbolic violence” that the most of the people ignore systematically.  The symbolic violence is a theoretical concept development for the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, used for explain certain social behaviours and practices, that includes power dynamics and relationships, and this concept was define as 
“Symbolic violence is fundamentally the imposition of categories of thought and perception upon dominated social agents who then take the social order to be just. It is the incorporation of unconscious structures that tend to perpetuate the structures of action of the dominant. The dominated then take their position to be "right." Symbolic violence is in some senses much more powerful than physical violence in that it is embedded in the very modes of action and structures of cognition of individuals, and imposes the spectre of legitimacy of the social order.” (Wikipedia)
When at first I mentioned “the violence against women” I don’t speak only the domestic violence or physical violence, the most of the violence that women suffer is symbolic violence. The women not only have to endure situations like lowest salaries also the society defined what we can do or wear, and this really piss me off. One of the situations that really bothers me, is when some men scream "flattering phrases"in the street, in Chile we call this “piropo”. Most of the times this "piropos" aren’t nice or funny, are very rude and nasty. Although you can think that is normal or acceptable, is really another way of symbolic violence that sometime can really disturb and hurt to a woman, so:
-Women don’t be quiet!
-Men think about it before do it!

Look this video and think about  it:

see you later!