Thursday 21 November 2013

Ghost writer

When I was very young (Maybe 7 years old), my grandmother contract Cable TV in her house. For me was the most cool. With my mother and sister visited her every weekend, and with my sister watch almost all evening Discovery Kids. The network was so much fun! My favorite program was the “Ghost Writer”. This program was about a gang of 6 friend and their adventures.
Gaby and her brother Alex worked in their parents store, for this they knew almost every neighbor.

Jamal, was a boy that lived in the apartment next to the store. One they cleaning the basement of his house, he found a very old journal of his grandpa and inside was a estrange “thing” that look like a quotation marks. This thing could take the letters of any place: a book, a paper or street sign and communicated with Jamal, but was invisible for the rest of the people.

Someday Jamal went to the store to bough milk and the Ghost Writer followed him, and Gaby and Alex could saw it too! … Jamal was very surprise and told they the whole story, and they was very good friend since then.

Later other kinds of the hood: Tina, Lenny, Rob and Hector, could see the Ghost too and they made up a crew.  With the help of the Ghost they resolved mysteries and crimes (they though that the Ghost was a detective when he was alive).
The show was very misterius and exciting and I suffer all week waiting for the Saturday for can watched.

I've tried to found this serial, but I’ve couldn’t :c

The best  <3


  1. I don´t remember this program :( But I think that Fox kids and Discovery kids were great channels in the past. See you!!!

  2. I never lisen to this program.!

  3. Same Helga, really I don't remeber anything about it, nothing. I believe your card is falled <3
