Thursday 28 November 2013


This year wasn't’t very interesting or exciting to me. In fact has been very boring.  The last year I use to be many plains to 2013, but these didn't work.

So now a days, I continue think what I can do to make December more interesting.
With Natalia a friend of mine, we want to be a business to Christmas (even me don’t like very much the commercial holidays).

Before I wrote about my hobbies, how I enjoy do handicrafts, I searched something interesting to decorated my backyard  and I remember a gift that I gave to my friend Pamela for her birthday: a kokedama. I spoke to Natalia about it, and we decided to do it.

A kokedama is like a Bonsai, because is a Japanese technique to breed a plant and trees. But the kokedama don’t restrain the growth of the plant. So you don’t maltreat the plant (like bonsai)  :(

The kokedama in Japanese means “moss ball” and consist in a technique to enclosing a plant's root mass in moss. You can have a beautiful plant without a plant pot. 
Take care it, you only need wet the moss ball ones a week… and that’s all!  

I love plant and flowers, and I believe like these need love, care and also speaking to grow beautiful and healthy,  but some people don’t have enough time or knowledge of plant, so this is an easy way to have one.

Here are some pictures of the different type and size, I hope you enjoy it!

Thursday 21 November 2013

Ghost writer

When I was very young (Maybe 7 years old), my grandmother contract Cable TV in her house. For me was the most cool. With my mother and sister visited her every weekend, and with my sister watch almost all evening Discovery Kids. The network was so much fun! My favorite program was the “Ghost Writer”. This program was about a gang of 6 friend and their adventures.
Gaby and her brother Alex worked in their parents store, for this they knew almost every neighbor.

Jamal, was a boy that lived in the apartment next to the store. One they cleaning the basement of his house, he found a very old journal of his grandpa and inside was a estrange “thing” that look like a quotation marks. This thing could take the letters of any place: a book, a paper or street sign and communicated with Jamal, but was invisible for the rest of the people.

Someday Jamal went to the store to bough milk and the Ghost Writer followed him, and Gaby and Alex could saw it too! … Jamal was very surprise and told they the whole story, and they was very good friend since then.

Later other kinds of the hood: Tina, Lenny, Rob and Hector, could see the Ghost too and they made up a crew.  With the help of the Ghost they resolved mysteries and crimes (they though that the Ghost was a detective when he was alive).
The show was very misterius and exciting and I suffer all week waiting for the Saturday for can watched.

I've tried to found this serial, but I’ve couldn’t :c

The best  <3

Thursday 7 November 2013

La gran Gabriela

When I was in the school, every year we had to remembered celebrated differents personages. In general, we commemorated some military hero, politician etc. But every year we celebrated too the birthday of the greatest poetess of the national history “Gabriela Mistral”. She won the Nobel Prize in Literature, on 1945. Every year we was recited “Piececitos de niño” a very sad poem about poor kids, and other poems “for childrens”. But when I grew up, I met more of her story and her writings, and I realized about how great she was.

Gabriela Mistral born in 1889 in a little village of the north of Chile. Her real name was Lucila de Maria del Perpetuo Socorro Godoy Alcayaga (when I was a child, this sound like a tongue-twister to me). She was teacher, poetess and diplomat.

Her work speak about love and desolation, a beautiful and sad piece of art. A critical review about her times and what she had to lived.  

She was a feminist and in a sexist country like Chile, she won many honors that only a few women can have.

For she, the most important relation that woman had, was to the children, no in the maternal way that patriarchy imposes to us, if not, in a way deeply and intimate for the communication with himself and the affections.

 She is a example for every woman. If I could have known her, I asked her how I can be so strong and brave like she was, in a this world so unfairness and suffering  without losing the mood to bring about change.

 “ Las mujeres formamos un hemisferio humano. Toda ley, todo movimiento de
libertad o de cultura nos ha dejado por largo tiempo en la sombra. Siempre hemos llegado al
festín del progreso, no como el invitado reacio que tarda en acudir, sino como el camarada
vergonzante al que se invita con atraso y al que luego se disimula en el banquete por necio
rubor. Más sabia en su inconsciencia, la naturaleza pone una luz sobre los dos flancos del
planeta. Y es ley infecunda toda ley encaminada a transformar pueblos y que no toma en
cuenta a las mujeres”