Thursday 12 December 2013


A few month ago, de 30th of September, I went to Jauría concert and my life changed. 

Jauría is a punk rock  band from Argentina, make up for knowing musician of a different bands. Ciro Pertusi is the vocalist, before Jauría he was a vocalist of Attaque 77, and I’m a huge fan of these band for  almost 12 years now. The drummer is Ray Fajardo (ex drummer of “El otro yo”. Guitar and Bass are played for the Ambesi brothers, Mauro and Seba. These day was a chaos, because was the Black Sabbat concert to. I leaved to the concert and was a huge traffic jam, I was there almost 45 minutes, and I get sick in the car, y felt claustrophobic and mad, because I didn’t know if I was arrive on time to the concert. 

Finally, I arrived to the place of the concert, the Onaciu club, 10 or 15 minutes later, I lost a few song, but the concert was awesome!  I went with my friend Nicole, we are very emotional for the songs, because this are about profound subjects, like social injustice, life change and intense feelings that only this kind of music can express to me.  

When the concert finish, we met the guitar player Mauro, he was very kind with us and sig our records. But we was looking for Ciro, we both loved him, and was the first time that we had he so close. We waited for almost an hour, but we discovered a very exclusive V.I.P place, when the band was celebrating the concert. We almost begged to the security guard and he call to Ciro. We met him and took a picture together(the picture was very funny).  Was one of the best days of my life, we both was speak less and petrified, but absolutely happy.