Tuesday 9 July 2013

I don’t wanted doing this post, because I don’t go to restaurants many often. I think that is because three reasons, the first is that I don’t like fancy places, the second reason is that I love cooking especially with my friends and guest and the third reason is that I don’t have so much money and when I have it I prefer spent  in other stuff, or bought supplies for cooking at home.
However I try to go to “Mercado Central” one a month for eat great sea food. I love sea food and fish but in my house don’t eat it because my sister is allergic. This place is in Independencia, next to metro station "Cal y Canto"
The market have a central place when are the most "famous" restaurant, but those are the most expensive to. But in the hallways are very tiny places when the food is wonderful and very inexpensive. In front of the market is “Mercado de abastos Tirso de Molina” there are sea food too, typical Chilean food and also Colombian and Peruvian food too. The food are delicious and very inexpensive, you can eat a lunch for 2000 pesos. I go some times with my friend to buy supplies to La Vega and go to eat together to some this places.